Culture vultures rejoice! The Hong Kong art scene is very much alive, and the artists of HART Haus’ 2020 Session have been hard at work, face masks on and paint brushes in hand. So escape your cramped apartment, grab your friends (in government recommended group sizes... of course), and come see some masterful modern art.
Our Social Studio Showcase, a unique experience that allows you to visit the studio where the masterminds work, as well as appreciate works from some of our most talented artists working at HART Haus.
Behind-the-scenes workstations of all artists will be featured in the show, and along with exciting new and rearranged works from Ane Alfeiran, Amy Maria Tong, Sunstorm Studios, KC Wong, Yujiang Ma, Puichee Chui and Sharu Sikdar.
In addition, the showcase will include a SILENT AUCTION with proceeds going to support The Sovereign Art Foundation, a non-profit which uses contemporary art to benefit disadvantaged children. Check out the artworks out for auction and make a bid HERE.
The Social Studio Showcase will take place on Thursday evenings. At each event date, the participating artists will be actively working in the Studio, available to introduce and discuss their works to both media and guests. Come to enjoy the evenings with us at each of the Social Studio.
Thursday, May 14 th: 6pm – 10pm
Thursday, May 21st: 6pm – 10pm
Thursday, May 28th: 6pm – 10pm
Address: Hart Haus, 3/F, Cheung Hing Industrial Building, 12P Smithfield, Kennedy Town
Hart Haus is actively tracking all government recommendations on social distancing.
We will continue to enforce all recommended safety precautions.

HART Haus is only dedicated to the creation of art and has no affiliation with TOCHAN Art Ltd or any of the art sales transactions.